Fixing Your Ice Machine
When your ice machine stops producing ice or just makes very thin ice, then you know it is broken. You can always call a professional, but here are a few troubleshooting tips that you can try first to see if your ice machine might be an easy fix.
Check the Temperature
This may sound silly, but the temperatures in refrigerators have been knocked accidentally all the time, causing people to think the problem is the refrigerator when it is really that the settings have been changed. Now, if the setting is correct but the temperature is still wrong, then your fridge is not able to correctly remove the heat from the unit. If this is the case, you need to check the coils. The coils often attract dust and hair, making it difficult for them to get rid of heat as they should. This will make the refrigerator work harder and harder without producing any results. You should be able to remove the panel in the front of the refrigerator or at the back, depending on your model. Use the long handle on your vacuum cleaner to thoroughly clean the coils. Try to do this at least once a year.
Check the Frost Buildup
The evaporator coils should have consistent amounts of frost on each one. If there is a large buildup of frost, you may need to defrost your refrigerator and freezer by removing the food and unplugging the fridge. However, if you see from the beginning that only some of the evaporator coils have frost on them, then you probably have a leak. You will need to get professional help to identify the leak and how to best repair it.
Check Water Pressure
Your ice maker needs a certain level of water pressure in order to produce ice. If that level is not present, then it simply will not have the strength, which can be a reason for thin or non-present ice. You can test the water pressure with these steps. Turn off the water and dettach the water valve. Place the valve in a bucket and turn the water back on. Evaluate the water's strength. If the water flow is weak, then you may need to have the water supply to your home checked to make sure it is providing the right level of pressure. If the flow is strong, then you may simply need to replace the water inlet valve as something is inhibiting the flow once it reaches the refrigerator.